Must reads to catch up after the summer!
Looking for some inspiration to start up your recruitment marketing campaign on social media? I selected three must reads to catch up on the developments of social media recruitment.
What is social media recruitment?
Social media recruitment includes all employee marketing activities where companies use social networks. Popular platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube or career networks such as LinkedIn. It also includes discussion forums or services that are only known in specific sectors.
Social media recruitment includes not only “passive” activities such as maintaining a career portal, but also managing online communities and actively searching for and engaging candidates. The advantage of social media is the ability to communicate quickly and easily with candidates and build a large network of contacts.
Social Media Recruitment Inspiration
Social media recruitment has become a popular way to find employees. To do this, you need a good plan, expertise, and persistence. I got the inspiration for you to make sure your next social media campaign is a success!
Book 1: Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen
The first book I want to share with you is ‘Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen‘ by Donald Miller. In this book Donald explains the power of Storytelling.
In a world filled with constant, on-demand distractions, it has become near-impossible for business owners to effectively cut through the noise to reach their customers or candidates, something Donald Miller knows first-hand. Donald shares the proven system he has created to help you engage and truly influence customers.
His proven process has helped thousands of companies engage with their existing customers, giving them the ultimate competitive advantage. Very applicable to recruitment and in my eyes a must read for content marketers! With 4,7 out of 5 stars and almost 7000 reviews on Amazon you know this is must read!
Book 2: Social Media Recruitment – Andy Headworth
Have you developed your Employee Value Proposition and wondering how to communicate it to your target audience? I advice to pick up Social Media Recruitment by Andy Headworth
Social Media Recruitment combines practical guidance with case studies and insights from industry thought leaders to provide a full understanding of what social media means for HR and recruitment and how to successfully integrate and use it. Another must read when you want to understand more about the impact of social media recruitment.
Book 3: Online Recruitment: A new World – Natasha Allden
My last must read is from Natasha Allden: Online Recruitment: A New World.
Natasha takes us through a three-step journey from the philosophies behind online recruitment to delivering effective online recruitment in your business. Part one reviews the philosophy of a positive candidate experience that turns, what appear to be, problems into opportunities.
Part two; the ecosystem mindset, introduces networks in context of a now global, multi-device world. Part three talks through the implementation of a Private Talent Network and casts an eye over the future of online recruitment.
A must read for every recruiter, talent acquisition specialists, recruitment marketers, and HR-managers. An informative and inspirational book for anyone active in the current recruitment market!
Stay up to date!
Hope these books give you the same energy and inspiration because they sure inspired me! It is important to keep yourself informed and up to date. The recruitment marketing is evolving, you do not want to be left behind in this scarce labor market. Read up with these 3 must reads and give yourself and your organization a head start after the summer!