What is Recruitment Marketing?

A lot of organizations want to jump on the Employer Branding trend. I think this is a great development but unfortunately most organizations start at the end of the marketing process: making videos for social media. Before you start with Employer Branding and Job Marketing, it is important to answer the question: What is Recruitment Marketing? In this blog I will answer the question and explain more about Recruitment Marketing and the main two focus areas: Employer Branding and Job Marketing.

Recruitment Marketing = Employer Branding + Job Marketing

With Recruitment Marketing, you take future employees on a journey of seduction. Sounds weird but with the tight labor market, world wide, you have to stand out and persuade your candidates. This is where Recruitment Marketing comes in!

Recruitment Marketing is the combination of Employer Branding and Job Marketing. The end goal should be the same: attract talents for your organization. Qualified applicants that know your Employer Brand and actively apply for your jobs. Before we jump to explaining Employer Branding and Job Marketing, we start with our focus audience: the candidate.

Candidate Journey

The Candidate Journey are the stages a potential candidate visits during their search for new job. With Recruitment Marketing you make that experience as pleasant and easy as possible: inform, inspire, and activate the audience through the 4 stages. Candidates have to get to know your organization before they can consider your organization as future employer.

Once they know your organization, you have to give the candidate more arguments on why they should join and discover a fit. Inspire the candidate with great content so when you offer the candidate a suitable vacancy, all they can do is apply! This journey has multiple touchpoints on multiple online channels. Where it all starts is the Awareness stage – this is where Employer Branding comes in.

What is Employer Branding?

With employer branding, you position your organization as an employer in the market. You show the value you have to offer and how you stand out from the crowd. Very important, this puts you on the radar of the latent job seekers. Think of this as the promise your company makes to both potential and current employees.

Also, do not confuse this with your corporate brand, it is really about the organization as an employer. When your organization is on the radar of the job seeker, the next step is to convert the job seeker to applicant using Job Marketing.

What is Job Marketing?

In job marketing, the focus – the name says it all – is on the vacancy. You market a specific role in a specific team to a specific target group. So you are already one step further in the process. Where in employer branding you mainly focus on creating a good brand image, with Job Marketing you mainly want to get job applications out of your efforts.

If the professionals are not yet ready for a new step, in other words that very large group of latent job seekers, they will not immediately be enthusiastic about an advertisement about a new job. You need the awareness and consideration stage to inform and inspire your audience.


What is Recruitment Marketing? Recruitment Marketing is the combination of strategies and tools to build a strong employer brand, to engage and nurture potential talents with the aim of attracting high quality applicants.

Want to stay up to date with the everything surrounding Recruiment Marketing, Employer Branding and Job Marketing in a fun easy to read format? Of course you do!

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