Employer Branding

candidate experience

Candidate Experience in 2023

The Candidate Experience must be a top priority for companies in 2023. The Candidate Experience is the entire Candidate journey. It includes everything from the first touchpoint with your organisation, the job application process to onboarding and beyond! Companies that prioritize the Candidate Experience are more likely to attract top talent. Don´t want to miss …

Candidate Experience in 2023 Lees verder »

social media recruitment

Must reads to catch up after the summer!

Looking for some inspiration to start up your recruitment marketing campaign on social media? I selected three must reads to catch up on the developments of social media recruitment. What is social media recruitment? Social media recruitment includes all employee marketing activities where companies use social networks. Popular platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube …

Must reads to catch up after the summer! Lees verder »


Recruitment Strategy in 2022

Recruitment Marketing and Talent Sourcing: The winning strategy in 2022 Is your recruitment strategy future-proof? It’s no secret that the future of work is changing, and companies are feeling the pressure to adapt. It’s not enough these days to fill open positions with qualified candidates; companies need a strategy for attracting top talent. Recruitment Marketing …

Recruitment Strategy in 2022 Lees verder »

employer branding

What is Employer Branding?

Employer branding is not just a beautifully designed vacancy page or a one-off social media campaign. Employer branding is primarily about retaining current employees. Together with your team, you ensure that you are an attractive employer for talent and that you are different from the competition. The term “employer brand” is a collective term for …

What is Employer Branding? Lees verder »